Our Order

Vacate et Videte

The Church of England has formally acknowledged us as a dispersed religious  Order. 

THE ORDER OF CISTERCIANS [OC] consists of uncloistered and dispersed professed men of eighteen years or over; laity who are confirmed and communicant Anglicans, and priests.

The Order is open to celibate, single or married men, who live within the jurisdiction of a diocese in Great Britain (i.e., England, Scotland, or Wales). Our way of life is lived according to our Rule, and in substantial conformity with that mapped out in the Rule of Saint Benedict, because we are part of the Benedictine family.

Our lives are dedicated to seeking union with God through Jesus Christ, whilst living a dispersed and uncloistered form of monasticism. Our days are balanced between praying the Offices (known as the Opus Dei or the Work of God), work, reading and study.

We aspire to a life-long desire to seek God through silence, contemplation, Lectio and the daily Offices. We live under the three vows of Stability, Conversion of Character, and Obedience, and we aim to live this out by the grace of God.

Men who are communicant members of the Anglican Church and who live within the jurisdiction of a diocese in Great Britain (i.e., England, Scotland, or Wales) are invited to discern a vocation with us. 

For general information, or if you are interested in exploring a vocation with our uncloistered Order then, in the first instance, please get in touch with our Prior, Br Christian OC:
